1. coombemill

    This post is right up my street, some thing from nothing, happy boys and playing together, it is moments like these that make you proud to be a Mummy! Thanks for sharing x

  2. This just proves we spend way too much time and money on expensive toys. This is best plus their imaginations starts to work teaching them lifesklills. Fab pictures and post xxx

  3. Heheh. I have a little man of my own who is very much into water. Any expanse of water whatsoever, be it puddle, washing up bowl, bucket, swimming pool, shower tray: they are all a “bath” and he’s in them before you’ve had time to think. I think water just makes children happy! Lovely pictures. X

  4. I couldn’t agree more! Give them water and tubs and they’ll be happy for hours. Great photos as well, lovely vibrant shots, are they done on the iPad?

    Popping over from Country Kids

  5. Emma @ Mummy Musings

    Lovely photos! C always strips off to play in the paddling pool too – she won’t even consider putting a swimming costume on!

  6. Sarah

    Hi it is me Sarah I am only 11 years old I have a box at home and I use that as a swimming pool but I am getting board of it and I am not aloud to get a big pool please can you help me x

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